Fall Prevention System
Surestairs hire edge protectors, a fall prevention system on site.
Easy and quick to install, Surestairs edge protectors provide construction site workers with protection from fall from height. Falls from height are one of the main causes of death according to HSE. Open edges, stairwells and floor opening can quickly be protected to prevent site operatives falling as a result of an unguarded opening with the addition of edge protection rails from Surestairs. The upright metal posts are a highly visible yellow to provide both a physical and visual presence to highlight the presence of the opening. The metal posts are simply secured in position with four screws through the base plate, timber length provide the horizontal barrier. Easy to erect with no specialist equipment required for installation.
Surestairs deliver their fall prevention system throughout the UK, contact Surestairs to hire our edge protectors. Keep site workers safe on site, protect floor opening and stairwells with Surestairs edge protection.