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House Builders Temporary Stairs Hire

House builders temporary stairs hire available throughout the UK from Surestairs.

Surestairs supply UK house builders with aluminium lightweight temporary staircases that are suitable for use from the earliest construction stages. A temporary provides safer and easier access between levels than a traditional site ladder, providing site workers with a stable staircase to walk up and down. Using a temporary staircase during construction works prevents damage occurring to the permanent staircase. Time delays due to delivery issues of the permanent staircase are minimised with a temporary staircase hired from Surestairs, delayed or late staircase deliveries don’t need to stop work on the upper levels.

The 12 step aluminium temporary staircase is suitable for use between 2.65m to 3.05m floor to floor heights.The BS EN131 compliant site staircase is supplied with double safety hand rails which conveniently and easily slot into the outer edge of the staircase frame.

For quick delivery on house builders temporary stairs hire, contact Surestairs for safer access delivered.

UK Temporary Staircase Hire
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